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Tuesday, September 9, 2008


As each day goes by I become more and more in awe of every other mother I see. Kudos to all of you. Being a mohter is not an easy task. As I have entered into being a mother to a baby again I am especially appreciatative of the women I know who I can look to for support and also as awesome examples of how to be who I am supposed to be. I have a lot more empathy for mothers of more than 2 children. Although I hate to admit it, while listening to other friends talk about frustrating days of motherhood, I would say to the Lord if only He would give me a chance to have more children I would be "amazing" at it, I could do a really good job I promise..". Well, he is giving me a chance and I'm so sure I am living up to the examples of my friends.

Juggling new responsibilites has been a huge challenge for me lately and I am not sure why. I guess I will just take one day at a time, trying to be a little better each day.

Everyday I write a little 'to Do' list for myself and on it I have to write down, morning prayers and scripture study, otherwise the day goes by and I have not set it as a priority. TOday I was a bit frustrated by the long list of 'To-do's' and I couldn't decide which task to do next. I was grateful this afternoon to look at my to-do list and see 'Morning prayers' still not crossed off. I was reminded by the spirit, even in the afternoon, to kneel down and say my morning prayers asking my Heavenly Father for help.

Thank Goodness for tomorrows to be a little better. :)


bethany said...

I loved this post. I can TOTALLY relate.

I think it's funny that all of us probably look at each other and think, "Man, how does she do all that? She's such a great mom!" (I mean, you put a danged bow on Lydia's head every day and I hardly get around to brushing my teeth-how do YOU do it? :)), but really we're all just struggling trying to keep our kids alive. Well, maybe you aren't, but I am.

I love what you said about taking the time to pray. I need those little reminders as well and am grateful for the times where I take a moment or two to sit and pray that I'll be able to accomplish what the Lord wants me to that day. Even if it's just surviving.

BTW-When my mom left after helping me she said--only try to do two things every day. One of those two things can be keeping everyone alive. The other can be anything else (one batch of laundry, one load of dishes, etc). Sound advice.

Diana Hawkins said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has a hard time with three. It's easy to feel like a complete failure when the day comes and goes and I've neglected important things. Thanks for the perspective and the reminder that every tomorrow is a gift!